Giving Back

As part of our mission to create a cleaner, safer environment for our sea life, we have proudly aligned ourselves with Sea Turtle Conservancy.

Sea turtles are among the most important indicators of the health of the world’s marine and coastal ecosystems. They are a prominent symbol of the sustainability of our earth. It is believed that whether sea turtles ultimately vanish from the planet or whether they remain a wild and thriving part of the natural world, speaks volumes about both the general health of the planet and the ability of humans to sustainably coexist with the diversity of life on Earth. Sea Turtles are more than they appear, their symbolism of life and our earth is why we chose a turtle as our brand identifier. Our products work to enhance the survival of our marine life, and the sustainability of our planet. 

Sea Turtle Conservancy is the world’s oldest sea turtle research and conservation group. An international nonprofit 501(c) 3 organization, Sea Turtle Conservancy carries out worldwide programs to conserve and recover sea turtle populations through research, education, advocacy, and protection of the natural habitats upon which they depend.

We proudly and honorably donate a percentage of our sales back to Sea Turtle Conservancy every quarter, as well as donate our marine-safe products for various public turtle releases, in-water work, kids camps, and other events.

Caribbean Sol Founder, Bruce Shanks, showing his love for marine life at Discovery Cove, Orlando, FL.
Caribbean Sol Founder, Bruce Shanks, showing his love for marine life at Discovery Cove, Orlando, FL.
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